Intuition is both an emotional experience and a nonconscious analytic process. One problem, however, is that not all emotions signaling that there is a problem or opportunity represent intuition. Explain how we would know if our “gut feelings” are intuition or not, and if not intuition, suggest what might be causing them.

Intuition is "knowing" something without being able to explain how we came to that conclusion rationally. It's that mysterious "gut feeling" or "instinct" that often turns out to be right, in retrospect. Some of the factors that causes them:-

1) Trust your instincts:- It can be difficult to depend on something that you don't understand, and you probably shouldn't base every one of your decisions on intuition. For example, if you're hiring someone, you should look at qualifications first or else you might accidentally discriminate.

2) Ask yourself questions and listen to the first answer that pops into your mind:-

3) Meditate:- Clearing your mind of repetitive thoughts and worries will make it easier to listen to your intuition. Find a meditative technique you are comfortable using and practice. like Yoga..

4) Listen to your gut:-There's a reason it's called a "gut feeling". Many times, a decision that you "know" is wrong makes you feel discomfort and makes embarrassment.

5) Listen to and communicate with your multiple brains:- Sometimes few things in our life gives us feeling of fear and nervousness . From the core of our heart we are not ready to accept this. As these are the feelings which makes us realise what we are going to do or what is going to happen is not good for us. So, we must avoid those things and protect ourselves from any wrong doing. As these intuitions comes out to be true.

6) Keep an intuition journal:- Every day, use your intuition to make a guess about someone or something. As we learn more about how to recognize our intuition, and we see it leading us in the right direction. Your confidence will grow and so will your intuitive power.

7) Exercise the right side of your brain:- Intuition is drawn from the right hemisphere of the brain which is the same side that controls nonverbal, personal thought and expressions. Some of the ways are:- Be Creative, Dance


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